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Hijrah Provider sudah memimiliki jaring Fiber Optik yang tergelar di Kabupaten Lombok timur.


Koneksi Internet dan Jaringan Hijrah sudah full support 24 jam dalam sehari

Jaringan Full fiber Optik

Untuk Memastikan Internet Full Fiber ke client, Kami terus memperluas Jaringan kami khusunya di Kabupaten Lombok timur


Kami memimili team backoffice dan team lapangan yang siap melayani coustumer 1x24 jam

Layanan Hijrah Net

Hijrah Net menawarkan banyak kemudahan dalam mengakses internet



  • Paket Internet untuk Rumahan
  • Harga mulai dari 100 ribuan
  • Bandwith 1:1
  • Sudah full Fiber
  • Biaya Pemasangan Gratis
Purchase Now



  • Wifi hotspot
  • Untuk tongkrongan dan Tempat umum
  • Keuntungan pedagang berlimpah
  • Cukup top up 100 ribuan perbualan
  • Pas untuk toko dan coffe shop
Purchase Now



  • Intenet Metro-e
  • Ip public /30
  • Bisa dijual kembali
  • Support 30x24 jam
  • Bandwith 1:1
Purchase Now

HIJRAH PROVIDER Akan terus menghadirkan inovasi dalam menghadirkan internet yang baik murah dan berkualitas.

Hijrah Provider akan terus mengembangkan jaringan fiber optik ke seluruh pelosok-pelosok desa maupun dusun di kabupaten lombok timur


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate eligendi consequuntur veniam quod

Project: business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate eligendi consequuntur veniam quod

Project : Marketing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cupiditate eligendi consequuntur veniam quod

Do you know who we are?

More than just service your products...

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system.

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about us

Numquam doloribus impedit at consectetur molestiae tempora ratione possimus in veniam aperiam, eum consequuntur, unde. Earum ullam molestiae suscipit saepe sunt recusandae.

Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel
Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel
Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel
Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel
Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel
Testimonial author

Will Barrow

Sunrise Paradise Hotel

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17 October 2018

Top tips to speed up your site in a speedy time

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17 October 2018

Brand your site value with marketing strategies

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17 October 2018

Website Optimization is very essential for site speed

There are many variations of passages Lorem Ipsum available, but majority have ama suffered altratio. the lorem.

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